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Scholarship Fund

The HSGA Scholarship Fund provides assistance to promising steel guitar students in their studies with acknowledged masters of the Hawaiian Steel Guitar. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please use the Donate button below to make pledge. All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Scholarship Applications

To apply for a Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association player scholarship please complete these forms:

Scholarship application

Scholarship agreement

Music teacher agreement

Non-profit Organization Statement of Purpose

The Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association is a registered, nonprofit educational corporation in the State of Hawai`i under IRS tax code 501(c)(3). Its purpose is to develop a global communications network of players and lovers of traditional Hawaiian music and to encourage the study, teaching, performance, and manufacture of the Steel Guitar. Its primary financial goal is to provide scholarship assistance through donations and bequests to steel guitar students who demonstrate the ability and intent to become accomplished performers.

HSGA Scholarship Fund Resolution as adopted September 2017

Meet Isabella 
Bertelmann, HSGA Scholarship Recipient

Isabella Bertelmann 1.jpg

Aloha! I am Isabella Bertelmann. I have been playing the Hawaiian steel guitar for 5 years now, and have been to numerous performances with Kumu Alan Akaka. I have been fortunate to attend outer island festivals, such as the Kona and Kaua’i festivals, and many showcases on Oahu as well. I really enjoy listening to the music of Uncle Bill Ali’iloa Lincoln currently, which was the theme of Kamehameha Schools Annual Song  Contest this year. It really opened my eyes to the many varieties of Hawaiian music, and I enjoy listening for the steel guitar in his songs. I hope to continue playing the Hawaiian steel guitar through Kumu Akaka’s Next Gen for as long as I can!


Some of my hobbies include reading, roller skating, and many ocean activities such as diving and surfing, and even paddling a one-man canoe. In school, I am in the aviation club and enjoy taking automotive classes. I currently participate in jiu-jitsu, and dancing hula for Halau Ilima Ku Kahakai outside of school. 

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